Courses I teach

You will find here (hopefully) links to the syllabus of the graduate classes I teach. Unfortunately, the specific material (notes, problem sets, slides) for each class and the syllabus for the undergraduate courses are available through program-specific webpages, so I do not duplicate those files in here.


Current Teaching

Econometrics (M.Sc. in Finance/CMR/EPP, Barcelona School of Economics)

Introduction to Data Analytics and Big Data (M.Sc. in Finance and Banking, UPF - BSM)

Topics in Finance I: Empirical Corporate Finance (MRes, UPF)

Corporate Finance (M.Sc. in Management, UPF-BSM)

Financial Management I (undergrad, UPF)

Cost Accounting I (undergrad, UPF)

Past Teaching at UPF

Financial Management II (undergrad, UPF)

Econometrics II (undergrad, UPF)

Financial Accounting and Analysis (MSc in Finance and Banking, UPF-BSM)

Financial Statements Analysis (undergrad, UPF)