Fundación BBVA Fundación BBVA

Multivariate Statistics

La práctica del análisis de correspondencias
Michael Greenacre

July 2008
ISBN: 978-84-96515710
Editorial Specifications

La práctica del análisis de correspondencias is a result of the author's more than thirty years of experience in science and environmental research. Correspondence analysis is a statistical method for visualizing and interpreting large data sets, and has found applications in almost every branch of scientific research: for example, analysing questionnaire data in sociology, looking for patterns in microarray data in genetic research, discovering relationships between biological and environmental variables, and understanding customers' perceptions of products relative to competing brands in marketing.
The book has a didactic format which is easy to read, with technical aspects presented in an Appendix. Thirteen different data sets are analysed so that readers have plenty of practical examples to follow. The book is also highly orientated to modern computation, and explains how to apply correspondence analysis using state-of-the-art software that can be downloaded for free.
The book is aimed at a wide spectrum of researchers: for example, sociologists, environmental scientists, biomedical researchers, marketing professionals, psychologists, researchers in education and linguists. Anyone collecting large data sets and struggling to get a global and synthetic view of their information will find this book particularly useful.


About the Author

MICHAEL GREENACRE, Professor of Statistics at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona and research collaborator with the BBVA Foundation, was educated initially in his country of birth, South Africa, and then obtained his doctorate in Paris at the Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris VI) under professor Jean-Paul Benzécri, the creator of correspondence analysis as it is known today. He specialized in the visualization of large multivariate data sets, especially in the social and environmental sciences, and spent sabbatical research periods at Rothamsted Experimental Station (UK); Bell Laboratories, Rochester University and Stanford University (USA); the École des Mines (France); and the Norwegian Polar Environmental Centre in Tromsø (Norway). Besides co-editing three books on data visualization, he has written three books on correspondence analysis, the latest of which (Correspondence Analysis in Practice, 2nd edition) was published in Spanish (La práctica del análisis de correspondencias, 2008) by the BBVA Foundation.